Medical Travel
In The News

Guatemala Medical Travel Newsletter Stories

Interviews with Lori Shea

Que Pasa Magazine

Anyone who has ever hired a good financial planner, defense attorney, real estate agent or security consultant understands the value of having a professional insider by their side to guide choices, saving time and money, and ultimately assuring the best possible outcome. We have the contacts and organizational skills to effectively negotiate every detail of the process, offering VIP medical services in Guatemala, generously and sincerely, at a fraction of the price you might pay in the United States.
Years ago, I was helping my friends in Rio Dulce find medical care here and the quality of medical skills and expertise I found here was just astounding. When my friends from Key West started coming for surgeries, and paying 60-80% less than they would in the U.S., I recognized this as a tremendously valuable resource that more people need to know about.

I developed the concept, researched the global industry of medical tourism then wrote and designed the first GMT website. We went live on-line in November 2009.
We have spent many years establishing professional relationships with the absolute best doctors in the country, and we trust them completely. Other medical tourism companies sell surgical procedures in many different countries and know nothing about the quality of care the physicians provide. They sell hospital services based on who pays the most for advertising and patient referrals. The staff and managers of Guatemala Medical Travel live and work here every day, so we know the Guatemalan medical providers better than anyone.
The doctors we choose for the GMT network were educated at some of the best universities in the world. They demand surgical instrumentation, supplies and support staff of the highest global quality standards. Without legal, corporate and government restrictions interfering, they can be totally honest about what the patient really needs, and does not need, as well as what they might want to choose for alternatives. The Guatemalan in which they practice are on the same par with modern high-tech hospitals around the world.
Communication and coordination are what we do best. All physicians and GMT representatives speak Spanish and English fluently and many speak German and French as well. Detailed financial statements and complex insurance forms are professionally prepared by a US-trained accountant. And, we have sophisticated communication and financial outlets set up and ready to bring it all together seamlessly.
When patients leave the hospital, they return to our patient recovery guesthouse, Casa Muriel in Antigua with daily nursing care and 24-hour assistance in a luxurious, tranquil private home. The surgeons are grateful to have us overseeing their instructions beyond the office and hospital. They know that the patient’s successful outcome and stress-free outcome reflect well on all of the country’s medical providers, as well as the impression of Guatemala to the rest of the world.

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